I selected to sign out of the account in visual studio 2022 installed on our VM dev machine and I am having problems signing back in.
It takes me through all our corporate authentication / MFA successfully but I get a popup saying
We could not add the account An error occurred sending the request.
I have had no problem up to now. F&O 10.0.1935.29
I thought initially it was a problem with VS licensing but that appears ok. I have a Professional subscription valid to 2027.
Many suggestions on line are quite old but I have tried clearing component cache. If I enable VS with debug it puts in this entry:
<time>2024/09/16 14:26:13.393</time>
<source>Accounts View Model</source>
<description>Error processing accounts: 
System.Exception: An error occurred while sending the request.
 at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Connected.Packages.UserInformation.DataModel.AccountsViewModel.<AddAccountAsync>d__73.MoveNext()</description>
I can connect to My Subscriptions - Visual Studio Subscriptions Portal from a browser on the same VM using the same account.
I'm not seeing anything blocked on our firewall.
Any help/suggestions very gratefully received. Should I considering re-installing VS?
Many thanks