Re: Cases that have assorted items/codes
Alright, are we having fun yet?
Please give me an example of what each case contains: number of items, quantity per item.
If each case is supposed to be a kit, why do you break into the cases to sell components?
"...when a single item runs out of On Hand stock, it pulls a whole new case..." Why is this happening? Selling an individual component should not pull the case/kit.
Suggestion: if breaking these kits apart for individual component sales is a regular occurence, why don't you receive some of the cases as kits and break apart the remainder and stock the components individually? I am imagining that presenting these items as kits on the retail floor is what makes them attractive - and then customers only want this or that from the kit. If you stock some of the components as individual units wouldn't that satisfy your requirement - or would this be too difficult to manage?
Curious: do you have an RMS partner you normally work with for issues like this? What have they said/done to help with this?
Pacific Computer Systems
Miles Baidack
Supporting Business Since 1985
Phone: (808)395-8156 or (808)277-8156