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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Retrieve Qty available pr. variant

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Hi all

I need to create a flowfield on variant table, which tells the qty available for that variant. 

I know that we have the functionality on Item Card that retrives the variant qty available, I have debugged through the process but I couldn't see the what the relation between the Item ,variant and the Inventory was. If anyone can explain the flow in a more understandable language, I will be very thankful. 

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  • Verified answer
    Mehdi26 Profile Picture
    Mehdi26 445 on at
    RE: Retrieve Qty available pr. variant

    I have found out how they are related.

    On the Item Variant table I create a new flowfield called "Quantity Available" with below calcformula:

    CalcFormula = Sum("Item Ledger Entry".Quantity WHERE ("Item No."=FIELD("Item No."),"Variant Code"=FIELD(Code))); 

    To test the solution I did following:

    1. Create and post a line in "Item Journal" with Entry Type set to "positive Adjmt." and then choose an item that has variant(s). 
    2. Choose a variant in "Variant Code" and enter a quantity for it,
    3. Create a sales order with the item above. 
    4. on the sales line, choose the variant code we added.
    5. post the sales order
    6. Open "Item Variant" table and find the variant we used before. 
    7. The value for the field "Quantity Available", that i created should now be (Quantity from Item Journal) - (Quantity from Sales order)

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