We have some items in the store that share a single barcode but have different prices. Those items in the database have a price of $0.00 and are set to require that a price be manually entered at the POS, which the cashier would read off of the product.
All fine and dandy . . .
A serious problem occurs if the cashier is scanning a series of items at once and isn't looking at the screen when the dialog appears asking for entry of the manual price.
What happens is that the UPC scanned for the following item ends up as the price for the manual item and the following item never appears in the transaction!
The cashier will notice an erroneous price of millions of dollars and fix that but there's a decent chance that they will not notice that the following item is completely missing from the transaction.
Setting an upper bound on the $0 price item (to prevent it accepting a UPC as a price) makes the problem WORSE and TWO items end up missing from the transaction when scanning a series of items!
Are there any third party products that would at least provide for an audible alert when a dialog box appears on the screen?
(Drawing the cashier's attention to the manual entry.)
One really clunky solution would be to eliminate the requirement for manual entry of the price and set the price to something crazy, like $1,000,000 that the cashier will notice and correct. We could do that, but it really screws up the discounts report.
(As does the "UPC as price" one, that also shows millions of dollars as the discounted amount—the bookkeeper hates it!)
A floor limit for the cashier doesn't help at all either.
This seems really bad behavior by RMS. How's that for a good one? Man.
Anyone have any suggestions?
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