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Number sequence Field while importing data through Data Entity

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Hi All,

I have a table in which a field will get filled through number sequence. I have created a Data entity for the same and was able to import the data through DE by providing the number sequence logic in mapentitytodatasource. When there is a single record then records are getting imported successfully. However if i give multiple records in excel i am getting an errors a data violates integrity constraints. When i check the Auto Generate check box, data is getting successfully imported.

Could you please clarify me that do we need to check Auto-generate check every time when the users import the data. If so i am trying to understand the scenario where the same entity is used for integration, how a number sequence field will be generated. Please help me in troubleshooting the issue.



  • WillWU Profile Picture
    WillWU 22,352 on at
    RE: Number sequence Field while importing data through Data Entity

    Hi Venkatdax,

    Please read Sukrut's blog:

    He details the process of automatically generating numbers and the classes and methods involved.

    You can also customize the code according to your needs.

  • Suggested answer
    Satish Panwar Profile Picture
    Satish Panwar 14,647 on at
    RE: Number sequence Field while importing data through Data Entity

    Hi Venkat,

    In mapping mark it as auto-generate. Users don't have to create data projects again. They can use the same data projects so your mappings don't have to change once setup.

    There is an option to import another file .check on one of the data projects tab, it will give you options to upload file.

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