If SL is logged into CpnyID "A", can CallApplicWait be used to open a screen for CpnyID "B"? I want to build an SDK/ObjectModel app that auto releases IN Batches in the 10.400.00 screen. Works great when the batch is in the current logged in CpnyID, but we have IN Batches in multiple companies, and would like the 10.400.00 screen to be opened for the CpnyID of the Balanced IN Batch. I don't think CpnyID is one of the parameters that is passed in the FormLoad event of that screen.
Only way I can see this working is to use the StartApplication command, where the CpnyID can be defined when opening the screen, but then I have to build logic to release the batches within the screen.
If I can use CallApplicWait, then the batches will release automatically.
Thoughts/ideas are appreciated.
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