HI Experts,
I wrote some code to filter the G/L Journal Lines to update one field in the Payment Journal Line.
But when I tried to Debug the code the Line No Returns as Zero. But I actually have line in the Payment Journal.
I can see the Line No on the "Inspect Page" as "10000" . But my code Returns empty line no.
Here is some part of my code,
procedure GetAppliedVendorEntries(genjoulin: Record "Gen. Journal Line") "Applied Amount": Decimal
//GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";
VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";
genjoulin.SetRange("Journal Template Name", 'PAYMENT');
genjoulin.SetRange("Journal Batch Name", 'CASH');
genjoulin.SetRange("Line No.",genjoulin."Line No.");
genjoulin.SetRange("Document No.", genjoulin."Document No.");
can you give me some suggestion to understand what i am doing wrong here?