Am customizing BankAcc Detail Trial Balance,I just want to include a field for source number i.e. if source type is customer then the source number is the customer number.
I have started my coding on trigger OnAfterGetRecord() inside dataitem Bank Account Ledger Entry and ofcourse to get the source number and source type I have considered Bank Account Ledger Entry dataitem and GLEntry table.
For a start, I have my code extract below. The problem I have that's preventing me from proceeding, is my report is only displaying one record/document/transaction and hence the message to display entry no is appearing once displaying the one record shown on report.
I had forethought that the report will display all transactions and the message will keep on displaying the entry no until the last transaction shown on the report is reached.
I have tried to use even FindFirst() but still proving futile.
What could be the problem with my code below? why am not getting all the transactions such that the message will pop us per transaction?
If SourceName = '' then
"Bank Account Ledger Entry".Reset();
"Bank Account Ledger Entry".SetRange("Entry No.","Entry No.");
If "Bank Account Ledger Entry".FindSet() then begin
Message('%1',"Bank Account Ledger Entry"."Entry No.");