Re: Mass removal of old tasks in GP
I ended up doing this
select * from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10700 where SECURITYTASKID like 'CNV%'
select * from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY09000 where SECURITYTASKID like 'CNV%'
select * from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10600 where SECURITYROLEID like 'CNV%'
select * from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY09100 where SECURITYROLEID like 'CNV%'
select * from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10500 where SECURITYROLEID like 'CNV%'
select * from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10800 where SECMODALTID like 'CNV%'
select * from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY09200 where SECMODALTID like 'CNV%'
select * from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10550 where SECMODALTID like 'CNV%'
To remove the records created during the security conversion, you can use the user interface to manually delete the added tasks and roles or you can use the following SQL scripts:
SQL Scripts to remove records created by the v10.0 Security Conversion Tool
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10700 where SECURITYTASKID like 'CNV%'
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY09000 where SECURITYTASKID like 'CNV%'
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10600 where SECURITYROLEID like 'CNV%'
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY09100 where SECURITYROLEID like 'CNV%'
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10500 where SECURITYROLEID like 'CNV%'
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10800 where SECMODALTID like 'CNV%'
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY09200 where SECMODALTID like 'CNV%'
delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY10550 where SECMODALTID like 'CNV%'