RE: Making Maintain Charges mandatory at So Confirmation Level
i have override check method in salesconfirmjournalCreate class with following code, but it did not working, plz guide me where i making mistake,
protected boolean check()
boolean ret;
MarkUpTrans markUpTrans;
//boolean ret;
salesTable salesTableLocal;
// ret=super();
select firstonly RecId from salesTableLocal
join salesTable
where salesTableLocal.salesId == salesTable.salesId
notexists join salesTableLocal
where salesTableLocal.RecId == markUpTrans.TransRecId
&& salesTableLocal.tableId == markupTrans.TransTableId;
// && salesTableLocal.salesId == salesTable.salesId; // salesTable variable is already available
if (markupTrans.MarkupCode=='' && salesTableLocal.ExFor==ExFor::For)
ret=checkFailed("Please update Charges Code ");
//return ret;
ret = super();
return ret;