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Weird issue with basic chart

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I have a basic chart I created in Dynamics about 1 or 2 years ago.  It has been working no problem and for 80 of my users it still works fine.

There is 1 user though that when she goes to the exact same record and exact same chart it shows differently for her than anyone else?  But I'm not sure how that is possible?  AND  if she goes to a different record and looks at the chart it is the same as everyone else???

From looking at it I can see on her version, at the bottom she doesn't have a "Week 36"  (even though she does and shows on the normal chart, see mine) and it looks like Dynamics is actually merging a couple weeks together into Week 39 (38 and 39?)?

See below





How is this possible?  How do I fix it?

Also, I've had her expand the chart, try on different machines, etc.  Shows this way no matter what.



  • Mattw112b Profile Picture
    Mattw112b 385 on at
    RE: Weird issue with basic chart

    Time zone is not the same, but there are other users in her timezone...

    If there was something with the fetch wouldn't it show up weird for everyone?

    All values are the same.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Weird issue with basic chart


    Is her timezone the same as yours?

    What is the fetchxml behind the chart?

    Maybe you could list all values and compare between users.

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