I have an issue with an upgrade. We have 6 companies and they all upgraded except 1. I ran a sql trace and the last sa login recorded was as follows:
set nocount on declare @NAME varchar(100) declare @TEXT varchar(8000) declare taCreateRequesterProcs
insensitive cursor for select DOCTYPE from eConnect_Out_Setup (nolock) where MAIN = 1 and DOCTYPE not like '%GetList'
open taCreateRequesterProcs fetch next from taCreateRequesterProcs into @NAME while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
begin if (@@fetch_status <> -2) begin select @TEXT = 'exec eConnectOutCreate '+ @NAME + ', 0' exec (@TEXT)
select @TEXT = 'exec eConnectOutCreate '+ @NAME + ', 1' exec (@TEXT) select @TEXT = 'exec eConnectOutCreate '+ @NAME + ', 2' exec (@TEXT) end
fetch next from taCreateRequesterProcs into @NAME end deallocate taCreateRequesterProcs
I was also running a DEX SQL Log which ended at the same time:
* Date: 09/23/2015 Time: 14:40:29
set nocount on declare @NAME varchar(100) declare @TEXT varchar(8000) declare taCreateRequesterProcs insensitive cursor for select DOCTYPE from eConnect_Out_Setup (nolock) where MAIN = 1 and DOCTYPE not like '%GetList' open taCreateRequesterProcs fetch next from taCreateRequesterProcs into @NAME while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin if (@@fetch_status <> -2) begin select @TEXT = 'exec eConnectOutCreate '+ @NAME + ', 0' exec (@TEXT) select @TEXT = 'exec eConnectOutCreate '+ @NAME + ', 1' exec (@TEXT) select @TEXT = 'exec eConnectOutCreate '+ @NAME + ', 2' exec (@TEXT) end fetch next from taCreateRequesterProcs into @NAME end deallocate taCreateRequesterProcs
I found a couple of KB's and checked the Econnect Out to see if there was any issues. Nothing matched the articles but I did see where I have records with a Data Count (DATACNT) of '0'. I looked at the other companies and they don't have these records. These records are linked to the ecommerce site being used by the customer - which is only being used by the one company.
1. What is the data count field in the econnect out table?
2. What do the values mean?
3. It is not referenced in the stmts above but could the '0' values be causing the issue?
4. Can I run this cursor and see what happens?
Thank you,
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