Your video on setting up search is not relevant to my version???
I hit a hurdle in setting up the Engagement Search – see screenshot.
I need to create a rule with Keywords and until I manage to save the first rule I am stumped.
It keeps telling me that my search parameters will result in too many hits.
I started with lots of words and then as you can see I went down to “MDL Group” and “fail” and I still got dinged.
I need someone to intelligently explain to me how to use keywords in a way that I can search on a long list like this:
poor, mismanage, late, rude, negative, complain, ignore, lame, fail, poor, mismanage, late, rude, negative, complain, ignore, lame, fail, worst property management, horrible property management, unreliable property management, unethical property management, negligent property management, illegal property management
How many key words can I use in a Search Rule in Engagement and how do I put them into form so I don’t get told it will get too many hits?