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Copy of trade agreement from one customer to another

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We run D365 F&O version 10.0.38. We have customer X with a trade agreement for a lot of items. Customer Y needs to have the same trade agreement for the same items as customer X. How do we do that?
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    andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,834 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Copy of trade agreement from one customer to another
    there is way to do this even it is not self explaining how it works.
    But before you create Trade agreement for one customer and you want to have the same trade agrrement for another customer you should create a price group and add  both customers to the same price group. This is the way for least effort.
    Anyway, if you have no price groups and you want to copy a trade agreememt from one customer to another you can apply these procedure.
    Go to the customer you already have the postes trade agreement.
    On the customer details select: Sell, Trade agreements, Sales price, Sales price
    All sales prices from posted trade agreements of that customer will be dsiplayed.
    Select all or only that lines you want to transfer for the other customer.
    Then use "edit selected lines" form the menu.
    You need to create a new trade agreement journal, select the type an description.
    After that you will have all selected lines within a new unposted trade agreement.

    Now select "copy and revise", this appears on the menu above the journal lines, BUT it it applies to ALL lines within the journal.
    Select the journal type for the newly created lines and the account relation. In the "account relation" select the new customer you want to have the new trade agreement.
    All lines will be transfered to the new account.
    Finally delete all lines from the old account that have been copied.
    This is also not self explaining as the delete button is on the Header level of the trade agreemenmt, but it deletes the journal lines !
    After that you will have the new trade agreement lines only for the new account.
    Now post the journal.
    Please keep in mind, it will be easier to have a price group if you have more than one customer that should have the same prices for items.
    Hope this helps.
    Herzliche Grüße / kind regards,
    Andreas Raithel
    D365FO Solution Architect

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