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Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

Posted on by 550


I am trying to import Account records to Dynamics CRM 365 Online from an Dynamics crm 365 Onpremise .I am using SSIS kingswaysoft .

Here I used two connection managers ,1 for Dynamics crm source (Connecting to onpremise) , another for Dynamics Online destination connecting to Online Connecting manager.

I mapped the columns for account entity for the source and destination.

But while running the Dataflow task, none of the records from source is imported to the destination, all the rows a redirected to error output ..

Can any body suggest me what I can do here to import all the rows successfully.


All of the 5050 records are showing error output.



  • Suggested answer
    KingswaySoft Profile Picture
    KingswaySoft 545 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

    For the error “systemuser With Id = ….. Does Not Exist”, Adrian is correct. you can use the Text Lookup Feature in our CRM Destination Component to Lookup for the systemuser by fullname and our component will set the corresponding  GUID value from the target CRM system for you. You can also use the “Optional default value (if no match)” setting in the Text Lookup editor to set a default value when no match is found for your text lookup operation.

    Regarding the error “the value is outside the specific range”. This occurs when you are trying to write a value that doesn’t exist in the target CRM’s OptionSet existing values.  To handle this issue, you can use our CRM OptionSet Mapping Component to manage the translation and mapping of the OptionSet values between the two CRM instances. The component also gives you five different options to handle non-matched values (“Create option”, “Replace as an existing option”, “Set as empty”, “Leave it as is” or “Raise an error”).

    Finally, regarding the error message “CRM service call returned an error: Generic SQL error.” Unfortunately, it is a very generic error and is coming from the CRM server side. For CRM Online, you would want to contact the CRM Online Support team to request for assistance.

    Thank you,


  • HajiraRoshan Profile Picture
    HajiraRoshan 550 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

    Hallo Adrian, I mapped directly the CRM Source (on-premise)to CRM Destination(on-line) .

    Screenshot of the error.


    Below is one of the error I got.

    accountid accountidname accountidyominame accountrolecode accountrolecodename address1_addressid address1_addresstypecode address1_addresstypecodename address1_city address1_composite address1_country address1_county address1_fax address1_freighttermscode address1_freighttermscodename address1_latitude address1_line1 address1_line2 address1_line3 address1_longitude address1_name address1_postalcode address1_postofficebox address1_primarycontactname address1_shippingmethodcode address1_shippingmethodcodename address1_stateorprovince address1_telephone1 address1_telephone2 address1_telephone3 address1_upszone address1_utcoffset address2_addressid address2_addresstypecode address2_addresstypecodename address2_city address2_composite address2_country address2_county address2_fax address2_freighttermscode address2_freighttermscodename address2_latitude address2_line1 address2_line2 address2_line3 address2_longitude address2_name address2_postalcode address2_postofficebox address2_primarycontactname address2_shippingmethodcode address2_shippingmethodcodename address2_stateorprovince address2_telephone1 address2_telephone2 address2_telephone3 address2_upszone address2_utcoffset address3_addressid address3_addresstypecode address3_addresstypecodename address3_city address3_composite address3_country address3_county address3_fax address3_freighttermscode address3_freighttermscodename address3_latitude address3_line1 address3_line2 address3_line3 address3_longitude address3_name address3_postalcode address3_postofficebox address3_primarycontactname address3_shippingmethodcode address3_shippingmethodcodename address3_stateorprovince address3_telephone1 address3_telephone2 address3_telephone3 address3_upszone address3_utcoffset aging30 aging30_base aging60 aging60_base aging90 aging90_base anniversary annualincome annualincome_base assistantname assistantphone birthdate business2 callback childrensnames company contactid createdby createdbyexternalparty createdbyexternalpartyname createdbyexternalpartyyominame createdbyname createdbyyominame createdon createdonbehalfby createdonbehalfbyname createdonbehalfbyyominame creditlimit creditlimit_base creditonhold creditonholdname customersizecode customersizecodename customertypecode customertypecodename defaultpricelevelid defaultpricelevelidname department description donotbulkemail donotbulkemailname donotbulkpostalmail donotbulkpostalmailname donotemail donotemailname donotfax donotfaxname donotphone donotphonename donotpostalmail donotpostalmailname donotsendmarketingmaterialname donotsendmm educationcode educationcodename emailaddress1 emailaddress2 emailaddress3 employeeid entityimage entityimage_timestamp entityimage_url entityimageid exchangerate externaluseridentifier familystatuscode familystatuscodename fax firstname followemail followemailname ftpsiteurl fullname gendercode gendercodename governmentid haschildrencode haschildrencodename home2 importsequencenumber isbackofficecustomer isbackofficecustomername isprivatename itsm_newsletterabmeldung jobtitle kkit_bundesland kkit_bundeslandname kkit_land kkit_landname lastname lastonholdtime lastusedincampaign leadsourcecode leadsourcecodename managername managerphone marketingonly marketingonlyname mastercontactidname mastercontactidyominame masterid merged mergedname middlename mobilephone modifiedby modifiedbyexternalparty modifiedbyexternalpartyname modifiedbyexternalpartyyominame modifiedbyname modifiedbyyominame modifiedon modifiedonbehalfby modifiedonbehalfbyname modifiedonbehalfbyyominame new_account_fk new_adressquelle new_adressquelleneu new_adressquelleneuname new_anrede new_anredename new_apollo13 new_apollo13name new_bereich new_bereichname new_cobitausbildung new_cobitausbildungname new_cobitbasic new_cobitbasicname new_cobitpractitioner new_cobitpractitionername new_contserviceimprov new_contserviceimprovname new_educationemail new_educationemailname new_einfluss new_einflussname new_einflusstyp new_einflusstypname new_emailprivat new_firma_temp new_geburtsort new_haltung new_haltungname new_iso27001 new_iso27001name new_itil2011foundation new_itil2011foundationname new_itilcs new_itilcsname new_itilexpert new_itilexpertname new_itillc new_itillcname new_itilsonstiges new_itilsonstigesname new_itilv2foundation new_itilv2foundationname new_itilv3foundation new_itilv3foundationname new_jahreskalender new_jahreskalendername new_malc new_malcname new_managersbridge new_managersbridgename new_opersupanalysis new_opersupanalysisname new_organisationsberatung new_organisationsberatungname new_planprotoptimiz new_planprotoptimizname new_position new_positionname new_postfach new_postfachadresszusatz new_postfachort new_postfachplz new_postversand new_postversandname new_prince2 new_prince2ausbildung new_prince2ausbildungname new_prince2name new_prince2practitioner new_prince2practitionername new_projektleiterconsultant new_projektleiterconsultantname new_projektleiterconsultantyominame new_relcontrvalidation new_relcontrvalidationname new_serofferingagree new_serofferingagreename new_servicedesign new_servicedesignname new_servicemanager new_servicemanagername new_serviceoperations new_serviceoperationsname new_servicestrategie new_servicestrategiename new_servicetransition new_servicetransitionname new_titel new_titelname new_toolberatung new_toolberatungname new_vertretung new_vertretung_email new_vertretung_telefon new_weihnachtsessen new_weihnachtsessenname new_weihnachtsgeschenk new_weihnachtsgeschenk_vip new_weihnachtsgeschenk_vipname new_weihnachtsgeschenkname new_weihnachtskarte new_weihnachtskartename nickname numberofchildren onholdtime originatingleadid originatingleadidname originatingleadidyominame overriddencreatedon ownerid owneridname owneridtype owneridyominame owningbusinessunit owningteam owninguser pager parentcontactid parentcontactidname parentcontactidyominame parentcustomerid parentcustomeridname parentcustomeridtype parentcustomeridyominame participatesinworkflow participatesinworkflowname paymenttermscode paymenttermscodename preferredappointmentdaycode preferredappointmentdaycodename preferredappointmenttimecode preferredappointmenttimecodename preferredcontactmethodcode preferredcontactmethodcodename preferredequipmentid preferredequipmentidname preferredserviceid preferredserviceidname preferredsystemuserid preferredsystemuseridname preferredsystemuseridyominame processid salutation shippingmethodcode shippingmethodcodename slaid slainvokedid slainvokedidname slaname spousesname stageid statecode statecodename statuscode statuscodename suffix telephone1 telephone2 telephone3 territorycode territorycodename timespentbymeonemailandmeetings timezoneruleversionnumber transactioncurrencyid transactioncurrencyidname traversedpath utcconversiontimezonecode versionnumber websiteurl yomifirstname yomifullname yomilastname yomimiddlename ErrorCode ErrorColumn* CrmErrorMessage ErrorCode - Beschreibung ErrorColumn – Beschreibung
    NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 8046c6ec-1239-4270-8d41-56cf8eccef10 NULL NULL Frankfurt <Langer Text> NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1149a482-b0ef-474a-84d0-5492be6608dd 1 Standardwert NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 Standardwert NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 Standardwert NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL b9a78711-0483-dd11-8342-000c291644f7 5dc29409-c167-dd11-a96b-000c291644f7 NULL NULL NULL Verfuerth, Claudio NULL 2008-09-15 08:56:09.000 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL False Nein 1 Standardwert 1 Standardwert NULL NULL NULL NULL False Zulassen False Nein False Zulassen False Zulassen False Zulassen False Zulassen NULL False 1 Standardwert NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 NULL NULL NULL +49 (69) 543846 Larissa NULL NULL NULL Schmidt, Larissa NULL NULL NULL 1 Standardwert NULL 96 False Nein NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Schmidt NULL NULL 1 Standardwert NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL False Nein NULL +49 (171) 9332003 3aefe148-918f-e511-80c1-000c2961e674 NULL NULL NULL Biebl, Sebastian NULL 2018-07-19 15:48:24.000 3aefe148-918f-e511-80c1-000c2961e674 Biebl, Sebastian NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 Frau NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Cyberdesign  Frankfurt NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 68072468-d48e-e511-80c1-000c2961e674 Podyma, Romuald systemuser NULL 125be7e9-f2a5-df11-819f-000c29b7b1d1 NULL 68072468-d48e-e511-80c1-000c2961e674 NULL NULL NULL NULL ae10b1ea-377f-dd11-bc93-000c291644f7 Cyberdesign account NULL False Nein NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 Morgens 1 Beliebig NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 Standardwert NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 Aktiv 1 Aktiv NULL +49 (69) 5481521 NULL NULL 1 Standardwert NULL NULL 2f1ddd7f-a946-dd11-a03f-000c291644f7 Euro NULL NULL 11831878 NULL NULL Schmidt, Larissa NULL NULL -2,147E+09 -1 CRM service call returned an error: Generic SQL error. Die Komponente stellt keine Fehlercodebeschreibungen bereit.   NULL



  • Suggested answer
    Adrian Begovich Profile Picture
    Adrian Begovich 21,009 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

    Hi HajiraRoshan,

    I need to know how you are importing the contacts and I need to see the SQL error to solve this problem. The Execution Results from your SSIS Package and the error message can help to pin down the issue.

  • HajiraRoshan Profile Picture
    HajiraRoshan 550 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

    Hi Adrian, thanks for your answer. I am also getting another generic SQL error while importing contacts on many of the records... What could be the problem with it..

  • Suggested answer
    Adrian Begovich Profile Picture
    Adrian Begovich 21,009 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

    Hi HajiraRoshan,

    There is a way to map the ownerid fields using Text Lookup, and this is what you should use in this situation. Take a look at this article as it explains how Text Lookup works on the KingswaySoft Integration Toolkit.

  • HajiraRoshan Profile Picture
    HajiraRoshan 550 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

    Is there any ways to map the ownerid fields using the Text option instead of mapping using GUIDS?

  • HajiraRoshan Profile Picture
    HajiraRoshan 550 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

    Hi Olashyn,Hi Adrian

    systemuser With Id = 50c3e7a7-f18e-e711-80e7-000c2961e674 Does Not Exist

    There are many records that fail due to this error. Some Users in Onpremise system does not exist in Online system.

    Here I want to set sprcific users only when the users is not present in Online System .

    Also now the guidS Owners between Online and Onpremise system does not match.

    I have tried using the Look up settings while mapping the Ownerid fields ....eventhough i run into error...


    Also I run into errors while mapping Option set fields ...That the value is outside the specific range.

    CRM service call returned an error: A validation error occurred.  The value of 'itsm_land' on record of type 'contact' is outside the valid range.

    Can you please help me in removing these two errors?



  • Suggested answer
    Adrian Begovich Profile Picture
    Adrian Begovich 21,009 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity

    Hi HajiraRoshan,

    You will need to look at the errors sent to your error output to work out the cause of this issue.

  • Psyionic Profile Picture
    Psyionic 195 on at
    RE: Error while running SSIS Kingswaysoft on DataIntegration Account Entity


    Can you please provide what exactly errors do you have in error output?

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