Created an AX 2012 R3 project (below) that utilizes Print Management functionality to email an individualized Payment Advice to each vendor within a journal batch.
After the initial testing in our dev environment the code was moved UAT where it passed user testing. Next additional acceptance testing criteria passed in Production Staging, and finally the code was deployed Production. However, it failed to calculate a payment amount for the Info box message, Control report and the Payment Advice report.
The initial debug run revealed an interesting result. At the first breakpoint the Global Variable APPL appears uninstantiated?
This is not the case in all three previous environments Dev, UAT, and Staging. The Production environment is different only that it has three AOS’s. Could this be contributing to the problem? How and where (server or client) can the APPL be initialized.
I much appreciate any help on this issue.
Thanks to all.