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Marketing contact calculations

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Posted on by 94
In the licensing documentation it says:
/Marketing contacts only include those that you engage with through interactions such as emails, text messages, or push notifications./
My question is if a contact is part of a segment targeted by an email, but they are blocked because of a consent record that opts them out, are they still counted as a marketing contact? They were not sent the email, but they were included in the email report and there is a timeline activity showing blocked based on consent on their contact timeline. 
Related to this, is there a way to see if a particular contact is part of the active marketing contact count shown in the quota area (or similarly to drill into the count in the quota area to see which contacts this represents?)
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Marketing contact calculations
    Unfortunately, There is no OOB method to directly determine if a contact is a marketing contact.
    As mentioned in the description of "interacrions", you can build on this with some customisation to achieve your goals.
    Please see my previous response to a similar post:
    If you want to there are OOB methods for determining marketing contacts in the future.
    You can create a new idea through the below URL, then ask your colleagues to raise up the votes. 
    Ideas ( 
    Our product team has direct visibility of these ideas and they will implement it on the basis of the highest number of votes received.

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
  • mkirkpatrick Profile Picture
    mkirkpatrick 94 on at
    Marketing contact calculations
    Quick follow-up: Since we just cleared our first big send, I was able to tell from the numbers that blocked contacts DID NOT get included in marketing contacts.
    I would still like to know how to identify which contacts are marketing contacts though.

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