Hello experts,
I am on D365 online and working on HTML web resource and I want all Global option set on <select></select> tag.
I used below web API,
1. "MyOrg/api/data/v9.1/EntityDefinitions?$select=LogicalName&$expand=Attributes($select=LogicalName,AttributeType,DisplayName;$filter=AttributeType eq Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.AttributeTypeCode'Picklist')"
but this API getting 633 Picklist records but actually in environment only 46 global option set is there so I am not getting proper data that's why I used below API,
2. "MyOrg/api/data/v9.1/GlobalOptionSetDefinitions" - this API doesn't have Display Name only showing Schema name
But 1st API returning Display name how I can get all global option set whatever present in environment?
Thanks In Advance