Hi ,
I need to add checkbox in parameter and when user active it can insert value in text box
and also i need to check if user active it or not from x++ code
Hi ,
I need to add checkbox in parameter and when user active it can insert value in text box
and also i need to check if user active it or not from x++ code
1. Open the report for editing in Visual Studio.
2. Expand the Parameters node and locate the affected parameter.
3. Set Allow Blank and Nullable to True if not already set.
So that blogs shows how to disable field. To get value from it you need to write code in Data Provider class, something like
MyContract contract = this.parmDataContract() as MyContract ;
i need to check without check box if user enter value in parameter or not
Hi momenmagdi,
Please check this blog post www.artofcreation.be/.../ax2012-sysoperation-part-3-sysoperationautomaticuibuilder it has an example how to disable\enable a field base on checkbox value.
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