My customer use NAV 2016 and have a bug. To resolve this, I'm must install the cumulative update 4 ( => id "377341". I But this update is not available. I 've download the update 38 ( But when i install the NAV.9.0.50785.FR.CUObjects.fob file i have a error message because 14 tables can't update. For exempe, when i update the table "311" i'have this message :
You're specidied a inconnu variable
Prepmt. Auto Update Frequency
Define the variable in 'Global C/AL symbols'.
I think NAV can't update the tables to a problem licence beacause when a create this field in this table, i've a message to say that i hav'nt a autorized licence. But why ? because i have a developper licence active ? and any table can be update (juste 14 table can't).
It's realy a licence problem or i have to do something else ? It's dangerous to update all object without this 14 tables ?
Thank you for your help !
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