RE: transfer order report
Dear Gayathri Ji,
use the code like in
Transfer Order OnAfterGetRecord() trigger.......
CurrPageNo :=CurrReport.PAGENO+1;
txtCompAdd := CompanyInformation.Address+' '+CompanyInformation."Address 2"+' '+CompanyInformation.City;
txtPANNo:=CompanyInformation."P.A.N. No.";
Here CompanyInformation is the record variable.
And txtComapnyName, txtCompAdd ,txtPANNo are the text variable.
Please define it in globals variables section.
And add there variables in Transfer Order Dataitem
Expanded Data Type Data Source Name Include Caption
0 Column txtComapnyName CompName No
0 Column txtCompAdd CompAdd No
0 Column txtPANNo PANNo No
After this please use this fields in in RDLC report designer.
Hope it will help you.