I have a sandbox instance created and I'm trying to ingest Oracle data with a Gateway. We have admin privileges on CI and in make.powerapps.com - I went to the environment in admin panel and tried to set the Dataverse URL but I'm getting the following error when I try to save the URL in the sandbox settings. We can see and connect to the database through the gateway using power Bi and was able to retrieve data. I'm wondering if there's a permissions issue needing to possible setup any specific permissions in Azure (for the record, this is using the managed lake, not BYOD)
Thanks Aditya - will do. As always, much appreciate the support from you all, truly ;-)
Hi Bill,
It appears there is an issue connecting to the Dataverse environment from CI. Can you please create an support ticket for us here http://aka.ms/cisupport with this error message and we will get back to you?
Thank you!
Aditya Kuppa
Customer Insights team
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