We have an entity which holds 3 types of Records A, B, C. Record type A is the parent of B (each A can be the parent to multiple B records) and further B is the parent of C (each B can be the parent to multiple C records). On creation / update of every record C, CalculateCommercials plugin will run that will pull all the sibling C records under a given record B and aggregate / roll-up the totals and update that parent record B with those rolled-up sum / totals. Same thing happens on update of B record totals which will roll-up the totals to grand-parent A record. The problem here is, when we create/update multiple C records under a given parent B this will trigger multiple CalculateCommercials plugin instances which is a bit inefficient & resource intensive. Is there a better approach where we let the CalculateCommercials to trigger only once irrespective of the number of C records being created / updated?
For example, if we create / update 10 C records at a given time (roughly in a 3 minute interval) we want the CalculateCommercials plugin to run only once which will roll-up the totals to B and again only once to update A, instead of 10 times (currently its triggering 10 CalculateCommercials plugin instances to roll-up to B, which in-turn trigger another 10 more instances to update grand-parent record type C).
Sometimes this chain of auto-triggers resulting in the exceeding of 2 minute time limit for the plugin instance. Is there a better approach to simplify the rolling up of totals to parent B and then on to A?