I am trying to change the orientation of this out of box Goals chart from a vertical column to horizontal bar. When I change the Chart Type to "StackedBar", I import successfully but get this error. Below is my XML. Can someone please help?
"An error occurred while the chart was rendering.: Chart Area Axes - The chart area contains incompatible chart types. For example, bar charts and column charts cannot exist in the same chart area."
<category> <measurecollection> <measure alias="actualmoney" /> </measurecollection> <measurecollection> <measure alias="computedtargetasoftodaymoney" /> </measurecollection> <measurecollection> <measure alias="targetmoney" /> </measurecollection> </category> </categorycollection> </datadefinition> </datadescription> <presentationdescription> <Chart Palette="None" > <Series> <Series LegendText="Won" ChartType="StackedBar" Color="149, 189, 66" IsValueShownAsLabel="True" LabelFormat= "$#,#,,.##M" BackSecondaryColor="112, 142, 50" Font="{0}, 9.5px" CustomProperties="StackedGroupName=Records,PointWidth=0.8,MaxPixelPointWidth=20" LabelForeColor="59, 59, 59" > <SmartLabelStyle Enabled="True" /> </Series> <Series MarkerBorderWidth="0" MarkerBorderColor="142,116,178" ChartType="Point" MarkerStyle='triangle' MarkerColor='0,0,0' MarkerSize='8' > <SmartLabelStyle Enabled='True' /> </Series> <Series ChartType='Point' MarkerStyle='Circle' Name='Target' MarkerBorderWidth='4' MarkerBorderColor='63, 113, 201' MarkerColor='255,255,255' MarkerSize='8' > <SmartLabelStyle Enabled='True' /> </Series> </Series> <ChartAreas> <ChartArea BorderColor='White' BorderDashStyle='Solid'> <AxisY LabelAutoFitMinFontSize='8' TitleForeColor='59, 59, 59' TitleFont='{0}, 10.5px' LineColor='165, 172, 181' > <MajorGrid LineColor='239, 242, 246' /> <MajorTickMark LineColor='165, 172, 181' /> <LabelStyle Font='{0}, 10.5px' ForeColor='59, 59, 59' /> </AxisY> <AxisX LabelAutoFitMinFontSize='8' TitleForeColor='59, 59, 59' TitleFont='{0}, 10.5px' LineColor='165, 172, 181' > <MajorTickMark LineColor='165, 172, 181' /> <MajorGrid LineColor='Transparent' /> <LabelStyle Font='{0}, 10.5px' ForeColor='59, 59, 59' /> </AxisX> </ChartArea>
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