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A-Z Filtering/Sorting Missing from Dynamics 365 Marketing

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Hi everyone! Looking forward to your assistance. Not sure what happened, but it seems that the A-Z toolbar or is it called a filter is missing from the app. We have multiple leads/landing pages/emails and we usually click on A-Z to jump to any collaterals that starts with the alphabet.


Is anyone facing the same? It used to be below the page but it's missing in action. Furthermore, it seems the layout has changed a little and can no longer right-click on the collaterals either. Please advise thanks.

  • RE: A-Z Filtering/Sorting Missing from Dynamics 365 Marketing

    Wow it works thanks alot Nya, appreciate the fast response.

  • Verified answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: A-Z Filtering/Sorting Missing from Dynamics 365 Marketing


    It is removed in the latest version 2021 release wave 2.

    And here is a temporary solution available.

    You can make it appear through adding '&flags=FCB.PcfDatasetGrid%3Dfalse' in the address bar behind your url, which can turn off the new grids.

    It allows to get the Alphabetical ordering back.

    Or you can raise a support ticket to MS for further help.

    Based on feedback from other users who have raised the corresponding tickets, this issue will be resolved by the end of this month.

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