My customer waited for month to get back mobile offline functionality. Now as it is back, I am confused about what happend with that feature in the last few month. From what I see so far, it is just as crappy as it was before. Very limited functionality as stated out here and we are also confronted with "The entity 'msdyn_customerasset' in profile '[...]' is configured with the filter download related data only, however there are no relationships specified for this entity in profile item associations. If an entity is set to download related data only you must specify a profile item association to this entity."
The thing is, we DO have an item association!
Because of such things we reduced our mobile offline profile to a bare minimum, so we can at least do some testing on our tablets. We discovered the same nonexistant reliability as it was one year ago. Offline configuration not beeing synced without reinstalling the mobile app, data not synced, views that do not work offline (even though we included all the entities used in the view) and so on. I don't see any progress on this feature.
Is anybody else using mobile offline right now, especially for Field Service? Were you able to make it work for you?