Hello, I'm working on a mod to add additional validation for a WAX workflow (D365 warehouse data collection) that runs on the device/emulator. I can't seem to get my chain of command change picked up on the emulator. Does anyone know if that is maybe a caching problem or if there is anything special about how code is called from the emulator ? CoC extensions work for me in other areas. After a rebuild on a tier1 environment, the first communication from the emulator to D365 takes about 15s which would make me think that the runtime code is refreshed. However, no matter what I do in my extension, it is simply not called. The next(..) in this case is called after my validation.
Here's the code example :
final class WHSPutLocationChangeCheck_Extension
public boolean checkLocation()
boolean retValue = true;
InventTable inventTable;
WMSLocation wmsLocation;
WHSLocationProfile profile;
inventTable = InventTable::find(itemId);
wmsLocation = WMSLocation::find(locationId,warehouseId);
profile = wmsLocation.whsLocationProfile();
// here would be the validation
return checkFailed(strFmt("Test error",itemId, locationId));
catch (Exception::Error)
return retValue;
retValue = next checkLocation();
return retValue;