Hello Everyone,
I am trying to transform my Social and Governance data into fabric solution. I have created new folder in Ingested Raw data lake house and uploaded all my raw data files.
Now i want to transform my Raw data into ESG Data Schema. I have seen in we have 40 tables related to Social and Governance in GenerateSocialAndGovernanceTables_INTB notebook parameters Cell
SELECTIVE_SOCIAL_AND_GOVERNANCE_TABLES = ['BusinessEthicsMetricType', 'BusinessMetric', 'BusinessMetricType', 'Country', 'CountrySubdivisionCategory', 'DataPrivacyMetricType', 'Employee', 'EmployeeLocation', 'EmployeePartyRelationshipType', 'EmployeeRelatedParty', 'Gender', 'GeographicArea', 'HealthSafetyTrainingMetricType', 'Incident', 'IncidentCost', 'IncidentCostType', 'IncidentType', 'LearningEvent', 'LearningEventClassification', 'LearningEventPartyRelationshipType', 'LearningEventRelatedParty', 'LearningEventType', 'Location', 'MetricPurpose', 'Party', 'PartyBusinessMetric', 'PartyCustomerGroupServiceDisruption', 'PartyDataPrivacyMetric', 'PartyEvent', 'PartyGeographicAreaBusinessEthicsMetric', 'PartyGeographicAreaHealthSafetyTrainingMetric', 'PartyResponsibleSourcing', 'RacialCategory', 'ResponsibleSourcingType', 'ServiceDisruptionType', 'Standard', 'StandardTraining', 'StandardType', 'StorageContainerProductActualStorage', 'UnitOfMeasure']
My question is how Social and Governance Raw data is moved to Respective Tables in ESG Schema .
Do we have any json file in config and Demo Lakehouse or Do we have any pre built notebook to transform Social and Governance Raw Data to ESG Schema ?
I watched below May technical summit video but raw data is not provided and Developer Document also not available
Sustainability data solutions in Fabric: Transform your data with the ESG data estate
Embedded Video | Microsoft Learn
Embedded Video | Microsoft Learn
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