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ReleasedProductV2 performance

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I'm currently writing an integration process to send data from our legacy system to D365.
I'm importing products using the oData API, first with the ProductV2 entity and then with the ReleaseProductV2.
When importing a new product with ReleaseProductV2 it takes a bit of time to complete, the same as it does when you release it using the web app.  I understand that it is probably going through a fair bit of validation and subsequent trigger tasks.
However, it also takes quite a long time when I'm updating a ReleasedProductV2 entity.
My question is, if I have a product where only a dimension has changed, for example, is there an alternative way to update that product which doesn't take as long as a update on a ReleasedProductV2 entity?
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    ReleasedProductV2 performance
    You can try not to update the entire ReleasedProductV2 entity, but instead try to send only the specific fields that have changed, such as dimension attributes. This reduces the amount of data being processed and can increase the speed of updates. If validation is required, consider simplifying or optimizing these rules to help reduce processing time.
    Best regards,
  • Suggested answer
    Magno Pereira Profile Picture
    Magno Pereira 2,429 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    ReleasedProductV2 performance
    To boost performance, you can modify a configuration. Firstly, go to the Data management workspace, then to Data import/export framework parameters, followed by Entity settings, and finally Configure entity execution parameters. Here, add the 'ReleasedProductV2' entity along with the number of import threshold record count and import task count. This should help improve the system's performance.
    • In the Import threshold record count field, enter the threshold record count for import. This determines the record count to be processed by a thread. If a file has 10K records, a record count of 2500 with a task count of four will mean, each thread processes 2500 records.
    • In the Import task count field, enter the count of import tasks. The count must not exceed the max batch threads allocated for batch processing in System administration >Server configuration.

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