I noticed that the function InitQtyToShip on Sales Line has been modified in NAV2015 between hotfixes:
InitQtyToShip() "Qty. to Ship" := "Outstanding Quantity"; "Qty. to Ship (Base)" := "Outstanding Qty. (Base)"; CheckServItemCreation; InitQtyToInvoice;
InitQtyToShip() GetSalesSetup; IF SalesSetup."Default Quantity to Ship" = SalesSetup."Default Quantity to Ship"::Remainder THEN BEGIN "Qty. to Ship" := "Outstanding Quantity"; "Qty. to Ship (Base)" := "Outstanding Qty. (Base)"; END ELSE IF "Qty. to Ship" <> 0 THEN "Qty. to Ship (Base)" := CalcBaseQty("Qty. to Ship"); CheckServItemCreation; InitQtyToInvoice;
This poses a problem when you try to post manually created invoice on for with Item lines and when the "Default Quantity to Ship" in the "Sales & Receivables Setup" has been set to "Blank". This causes the "Quantity to Ship" to remain zero. When posting the invoice you get the error "Quantity to ship can not be 0".
This seems a rather strange modification... since it poses no problem with "Remainder".
Is this done for a particular reason?
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