We are doing CRM Sales-BC integration. Our company has had the practice of archiving and deleting Sales orders from BC. The argument is that it was "cluttering" the front page or view of sales orders.
A few concerns pop-up and am looking for community input/angles on this.
1 - BC has views, bookmarks and defaults that can land a user on only open sales orders. The argument of clutter is not there anymore. Sales uses views to accomplish the same.
2 - The CRM Sales Order and the BC Sales Order coupling will be "broken" on deleting of the BC sales order. Doesn't seem to break the CRM side, just that it's the end of the relationship ;)
3 - Why would BC Sales Orders want to be deleted ? value? In my CRM Sales "thinking", a sales order is an integral part of the 360 degree view of the a customer.
Thanks for any insight and opinion.