My Company has 3 legal entities in AX 2012. Moving forward in N365 we are looking to have only 1 Entity (All entities will be unified into one)
My questions regarding this concept are:
1. As far as I know I am not supposed to change the Accounting structure and related advanced rules in order to migrate at transaction level and avoid any balancing issues. In such a case, how should I work around with Intercompany accounts balances & lines?
2. If a Main account is there in all the three entities, how ever has a different accounting structure. When the transactions migrate they will look for the particular combination to complete the transfer. I believe there won't issue to recognize the account level balances or transactions (Line level) once migrated.
3. After Migrating and transferring the balances and after resolving any balancing issue, Is it possible to change the Main Account number. For example
Entity X has Main Acc 11300 and Entity Y also has Main Account 11300, after completing the migration in the unified new entity can I change Main Account number to Y11300 and use it there on? Here we are trying to distinguish between the 3 legal entities after combining. For example:
If Entity X Main Acc 11300 - Will be Main Acc 11300 in New entity (D365)
Entity Y Main Acc 11300 - Will be Main Acc Y11300
Entity Z Main Acc 11300 - Will be Main Acc Z11300
Please suggest whether this works out.