I'm trying to work either with Power automate or Dynamic customer Hub and both side, I can't get it to work and i Know it works...
I created a Queue,
I created a TEAM
I assigned an email to the Queue. ( I approve the email )
I sent an email from my outlook to the queue maibox and the Queue Item are there so I know that works...
I went to advanced setting under Queue
I created a rule called Email Incoming.
Selected : Create records for email from unknown senders only..
I created a record creation and update rule item with if the emial contains issue or problem to open a case
if so to perform the action which is a case ( i went to set properties and eddited the note section to add dynamicly the Description of the email
I clicked on save and activated the rule
It told me I had security role issue, I fixed that and now....
it says : You have exceeeded the maximum number of (0) characters in the field. ( HELP )
I'm stuck here...