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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Upgrade to v9 failed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction

Posted on by 112

While upgrading our organization from to on-premise the installation fails on the the following error: 

15:05:43|   Info| CrmAction execution time; InstallPlatformSolutionsAction; 00:10:16.4817865
15:05:43|   Info| Executing Install action: Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction
15:05:43|  Error| System.Exception: Error.ActionFailed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction ---> Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CrmObjectNotFoundException: solution With Id = 56595ebe-989b-46ba-990e-8b619d05b5d9 Does Not Exist
   at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.SolutionDataCacheLoader.LoadCacheData(Guid key, ExecutionContext context)
   at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.ObjectModelCacheLoader`2.LoadCacheDataInternal(TKey key, Object existingDataContainer, IOrganizationContext context)
   at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.ObjectModelCacheLoader`2.LoadCacheData(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
   at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.CreateEntry(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
   at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<LookupEntry>b__2()
   at Microsoft.PowerApps.CoreFramework.ActivityLoggerExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, EventId eventId, ActivityType activityType, Action action)
   at Microsoft.Xrm.Telemetry.XrmTelemetryExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, XrmTelemetryActivityType activityType, Action action)
   at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.LookupEntry(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
   at Microsoft.Crm.SE.DllMethodActions.CreateDefaultCustomControlDefaultConfigForOOB.UpdateSolutionPublisherMap(IDictionary`2 solutionPublisherIds, BusinessComponentState entityState, ExecutionContext context)
   at Microsoft.Crm.SE.DllMethodActions.CreateDefaultCustomControlDefaultConfigForOOB.CreateDefaultCustomControlDefaultConfigRecords()
   at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction.Do(IDictionary parameters)
   at Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Shared.CrmAction.ExecuteActionHelper(CrmAction action, IDictionary parameters, Boolean undo)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---, Error, RetryCancel, Option1
15:09:27|   Info| InputResult: Retry

Does anyone has any idea? 

*This post is locked for comments

  • Sven Vervynckt Profile Picture
    Sven Vervynckt 112 on at
    RE: Upgrade to v9 failed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction

    We've found out it was a dependency to the PluginProfiles that has been installed months ago (and uninstalled again later). Aparently the cleanup was not done correctly. There was an entity mbs_pluginprofile showing in the Entities list in the Default Solution with an empty display name. We tried to install the profiler again, but that failed as well.

    In the end we resolved the issue by restoring our TEST database in DEV. This time it passed this part of the upgrade process.

  • Suggested answer
    Radu Chiribelea Profile Picture
    Radu Chiribelea 6,667 on at
    RE: Upgrade to v9 failed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction

    Have you tried an IIS Reset? Maybe it is a MetaDataCache issue

    Also, can you search the solutionbase table for this solutionid 56595ebe-989b-46ba-990e-8b619d05b5d9? dos this exists? Maybe this was an old solution that got removed and there are components in your CRM Organization that point to it (in this case looks like a CustomControlDefaultConfig). I would check there are well



  • Jarrod Williams Profile Picture
    Jarrod Williams 1,747 on at
    RE: Upgrade to v9 failed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction

    So, for that kind of error you wouldn't want to look at the installation or upgrade logging instead you would want to be looking at more traditional trace logs.  They are still going to be gathering/processing information during the upgrade process and when you run into customization issues with an upgrade are going to give you better information.  

    Otherwise, you could look at finding a tool or script that can search all SQL tables for a string, give it that solution id and see what component it is that is pointing to that ID. 

  • Sven Vervynckt Profile Picture
    Sven Vervynckt 112 on at
    RE: Upgrade to v9 failed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction

    Hi Jarrod. Thanks for the quick response. I've made the following query in the database.

    SELECT	s.solutionid,
    FROM	SolutionBase s
    WHERE	s.solutionid = '56595ebe-989b-46ba-990e-8b619d05b5d9'

    But no results :-(

    The log file was already a verbose log. Here is the last big part:

    15:00:19|   Info| Installing BaseCustomControlsCore from C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\
    15:00:19|   Info| Attempting to acquire lock to unzip package file C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\ to location C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\PkgCache_9_0_0003_0007\BaseCustomControlsCore.
    15:00:19|   Info| Acquired llock to unzip package file C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\ to location C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\PkgCache_9_0_0003_0007\BaseCustomControlsCore. Took 0 seconds.
    15:00:19|   Info| Unzipping package file C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\ to location C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\PkgCache_9_0_0003_0007\BaseCustomControlsCore.
    15:00:22|   Info| Unzipped package file C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\ to location C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\PkgCache_9_0_0003_0007\BaseCustomControlsCore. Took 2 seconds.
    15:00:22|   Info| Released lock for package file C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\ unzipped to location C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\PkgCache_9_0_0003_0007\BaseCustomControlsCore.
    15:00:22|   Info| Found BaseCustomControlsCore in cache C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Setup\Serviceability\Latest\Actions_Org\Install\Solutions\Others\PkgCache_9_0_0003_0007\BaseCustomControlsCore.
    15:00:22|   Info| PackageDeployer: Starting BaseCustomControlsCore install.
    15:05:42|   Info| Package BaseCustomControlsCore was installed successfully on attempt 1.
    15:05:42|   Info| PackageDeployer Logs for attempt 1: [28-05-19 13:00:22]: PackageDeployerWrapper: Resetting PackageDeployer operation completion state.
    [28-05-19 13:00:22]: PackageDeployerWrapper: Starting PackageDeployer configuration parsing.
    [28-05-19 13:00:22]: Reading the import configuration. Please wait.
    [28-05-19 13:00:22]: Reading the solutions. Please wait.
    [28-05-19 13:01:44]: Found the solution: Base Custom Controls Core, version: 9.0.0000.0375 (Managed)
    [28-05-19 13:01:52]: PackageDeployerWrapper: PackageDeployer successfully finished configuration parsing.
    [28-05-19 13:01:52]: PackageDeployerWrapper: Starting PackageDeployer import operation.
    [28-05-19 13:01:52]: PackageDeployerWrapper: Waiting for PackageDeployer completion...
    [28-05-19 13:05:31]: PackageDeployerWrapper: PackageDeployer succcessfully finished import.
    [28-05-19 13:05:31]: PackageDeployerWrapper: Signaling PackageDeployer operation completion.
    [28-05-19 13:05:31]: PackageDeployerWrapper: PackageDeployer operation completed.
    Detailed logs from PDCore:
    [Start][256] ImportCustomizationLoader - Constructor
    [Stop][512] ImportCustomizationLoader - Constructor
    [Start][256] ReadConfig
    [Information][8] Starting Config Reading process:
    [Verbose][16] New Batch Manager Created, Max #of Batches:50000, Max #of RequestsPerBatch:5000
    [Verbose][16] Initialize CRM connection Started - AuthType: AD
    [Verbose][16] Externally provided connection to CRM Service - Retrieving Version Info
    [Verbose][16] Externally provided connection to CRM Service - Org Version:
    [Information][8] Beginning Validation of CRM Connection
    [Information][8] Validation of CRM Connection Complete, total duration: 00:00:00
    [Verbose][16] Unpacking config
    [Information][8] Reading Solutions.. Please wait
    [Start][256] Entering UnZipFiles ( System.Io )
    [Stop][512] Exiting UnZipFiles ( System.Io )
    [Verbose][16] Cleaning up Temp Working Directory - C:\Users\{{myusername}}\AppData\Local\Temp\tcxhpnaw.lon
    [Start][256] BaseImportCustomizations - Constructor
    [Information][8] Found One Custom Extension
    [Information][8] Deployment Target Organization ID: f12bbf5a-356c-4e07-9ce5-219d52e2ebbf
    [Information][8] Deployment Target Organization UniqueName: N/A - InProc Connection
    [Information][8] Deployment Target Organization Version:
    [Information][8] Deployment Target Organization Uri: N/A - InProc Connection
    [Information][8] Deployment Target Organization Time marker: 05-28-2019 15:01:52 +02:00
    [Stop][512] BaseImportCustomizations - Constructor
    [Start][256] BeginSolutionImport
    [Stop][512] BeginSolutionImport
    [Information][8] Completed Config Reading process
    [Stop][512] ReadConfig
    [Verbose][16] Executed Command - WhoAmI : Execute (WhoAmI) request to CRM from IOrganizationService : RequestID=95145f4c-c008-4b77-ac35-540c502fc0a8 : duration: 00:00:00
    [Start][256] DoImportSolutionItem
    [Start][256] CreateProgressItem
    [Stop][512] CreateProgressItem
    [Start][256] IsSolutionalreadyDeployed
    [Start][256] DeterminSolutionAction
    [Stop][512] DeterminSolutionAction
    [Information][8] Executing OverrideSolutionImportDecision Custom code
    [Information][8] Processing Solution Base Custom Controls Core(BaseCustomControlsCore) - Inbound version: - Deployed Version, System Determined Import Action: Import ||-> Package Overrode Decision, Requesting Import Action: UserRequestedUpdateSameVersion
    [Information][8] ImportSolution - Initial solution Base Custom Controls Core install of version 9.0.0000.0375
    [Stop][512] ImportSolution
    [Start][256] ImportSolution
    [Information][8] Importing solution for Base Custom Controls Core Version: 9.0.0000.0375
    [Start][256] RaiseUpdateEvent
    [Stop][512] RaiseUpdateEvent
    [Information][8] Executing PreSolutionImport Custom code
    [Information][8] Executing Solution Import Pre v8.0
    [Verbose][16] Executed Command - RetrieveMultiple : GetEntityDataBySearchParms : RequestID=c96c5992-6a24-4668-a8de-e11739acabb3 : duration: 00:00:00
    [Information][8] Created new importjob id 751e7c2d-1e3e-467f-9a56-8d7da0405189
    [Stop][512] ImportSolution
    [Stop][512] DoImportSolutionItem
    [Verbose][16] Executed Command - ImportSolution : Executing ImportSolutionRequest for ImportSolutionToCrm : RequestID=a14f17f2-588b-4a64-aadc-b605a58ec474 : duration: 00:03:38.1138210
    [Start][256] CheckSolutionImportStatus
    [Start][256] IsSolutionDeploymentComplete
    [Information][8] Fetching Data for Base Custom Controls Core
    [Information][8] Import for Base Custom Controls Core, Progress is : 100
    [Information][8] Solution Import Result = success
    [Start][256] RaiseUpdateEvent
    [Stop][512] RaiseUpdateEvent
    [Stop][512] IsSolutionDeploymentComplete
    [Start][256] GetSolutionIdInfo
    [Stop][512] GetSolutionIdInfo
    [Start][256] DoImportSolutionItem
    [Start][256] BeginSampleDataImport
    [Stop][512] BeginSampleDataImport
    [Stop][512] DoImportSolutionItem
    [Stop][512] CheckSolutionImportStatus
    [Verbose][16] Executed Command - Retrieve : Trying to Read a Record. Entity = importjob , ID = 751e7c2d-1e3e-467f-9a56-8d7da0405189 : RequestID=c8a48935-4ba0-4836-af44-d51c37b35c50 : duration: 00:00:00.0467716
    [Verbose][16] Executed Command - RetrieveMultiple : GetEntityDataBySearchParms : RequestID=975b3973-979c-431c-b446-b0f96d9d271d : duration: 00:00:00
    [Start][256] DoImportSampleData
    [Start][256] PreImportSetup
    [Start][256] CreateProgressItem
    [Stop][512] CreateProgressItem
    [Start][256] RaiseUpdateEvent
    [Stop][512] RaiseUpdateEvent
    [Stop][512] PreImportSetup
    [Start][256] BeginFileImport
    [Information][8] Executing read of DataImportBypass Custom code setting
    [Start][256] ImportMapData
    [Stop][512] ImportMapData
    [Stop][512] BeginFileImport
    [Start][256] DoImportFileItem
    [Information][8] Executing read of DataImportBypass Custom code setting
    [Start][256] ExecuteDeepDataImportActions
    [Stop][512] ExecuteDeepDataImportActions
    [Start][256] RunSetup
    [Start][256] ExecuteImportApplications
    [Stop][512] ExecuteImportApplications
    [Start][256] ExecuteImportUiiWorkflows
    [Stop][512] ExecuteImportUiiWorkflows
    [Start][256] ExecutePostImportActions
    [Start][256] CreateProgressItem
    [Stop][512] CreateProgressItem
    [Start][256] RaiseUpdateEvent
    [Stop][512] RaiseUpdateEvent
    [Stop][512] ExecutePostImportActions
    [Start][256] UnPackFiles
    [Stop][512] UnPackFiles
    [Stop][512] RunSetup
    [Start][256] BeginFileImport
    [Stop][512] BeginFileImport
    [Stop][512] DoImportFileItem
    [Start][256] DoImportFileItem
    [Stop][512] DoImportFileItem
    15:05:43|   Info| CrmAction execution time; InstallPlatformSolutionsAction; 00:10:16.4817865
    15:05:43|   Info| Executing Install action: Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction
    15:05:43|  Error| System.Exception: Error.ActionFailed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction ---> Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CrmObjectNotFoundException: solution With Id = 56595ebe-989b-46ba-990e-8b619d05b5d9 Does Not Exist
       at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.SolutionDataCacheLoader.LoadCacheData(Guid key, ExecutionContext context)
       at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.ObjectModelCacheLoader`2.LoadCacheDataInternal(TKey key, Object existingDataContainer, IOrganizationContext context)
       at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.ObjectModelCacheLoader`2.LoadCacheData(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
       at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.CreateEntry(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
       at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<LookupEntry>b__2()
       at Microsoft.PowerApps.CoreFramework.ActivityLoggerExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, EventId eventId, ActivityType activityType, Action action)
       at Microsoft.Xrm.Telemetry.XrmTelemetryExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, XrmTelemetryActivityType activityType, Action action)
       at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.LookupEntry(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
       at Microsoft.Crm.SE.DllMethodActions.CreateDefaultCustomControlDefaultConfigForOOB.UpdateSolutionPublisherMap(IDictionary`2 solutionPublisherIds, BusinessComponentState entityState, ExecutionContext context)
       at Microsoft.Crm.SE.DllMethodActions.CreateDefaultCustomControlDefaultConfigForOOB.CreateDefaultCustomControlDefaultConfigRecords()
       at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction.Do(IDictionary parameters)
       at Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Shared.CrmAction.ExecuteActionHelper(CrmAction action, IDictionary parameters, Boolean undo)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---, Error, RetryCancel, Option1
  • Jarrod Williams Profile Picture
    Jarrod Williams 1,747 on at
    RE: Upgrade to v9 failed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.CreateCustomControlDefaultConfigAction

    There is a field, form, or some other customization that is referencing that solution ID and it isn't finding it in a broader context.  That isn't the default solution so what I would look at is doing a select on the Solution table filtering for that solutionid and find the name of the solution and 1) see if it still exists and 2) what's the name.  Then work with that developer if it is 3rd party or backtrack the issue down to a specific item.  Looking at the stack, looks like it is in the command bars so I would hazard a guess that it is a either a fully custom entity or a customized bar as a way to help starting to narrow down where it is in your customizations.  

    You could also look at doing either an Error level trace or a verbose stack trace while redoing the upgrade and see if you can get more information.

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