I am trying to create AA distributions for a saved GL Journal Entry. I am using the econnect sql procedure taAnalyticsDistribution in my Dexterity code, but the AA is not created.
Only AAG10000, AAG10002 & AAG10003 are getting affected, but with wrong values and the table AAG10001 does not get affected i.e., no record is created in this table.
FYI, the GL Journal Entry is also dynamically created from my code. I try to create the AA distribution after I successfully create the Journal.
Below are the parameters that I pass to the taAnalyticsDistribution procedure
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[taAnalyticsDistribution]
@I_vDOCNMBR = N'3859',
@I_vDOCTYPE = 0,
@I_vaaAssignedPercent = 60,
@I_vDistSequence = 16384,
@I_vACTINDX = 1,
@I_vaaTrxDimID = 3,
@I_vaaTrxCodeID = 4,
@I_vaaSubLedgerHdrID = 224,
@I_vaaSubLedgerDistID = 16384,
@I_vaaSubLedgerAssignID = 1,
@I_vUpdateIfExists = 2,
@O_iErrorState = @O_iErrorState OUTPUT,
@oErrString = @oErrString OUTPUT
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