Hi All,
I'm trying to uninstall Rollup 4 of CRM 2013 Reporting Extension. However when I do this, I get an error saying that the feature i am trying to uninstall is on a CD ROM or other removeable disk. Please install the disk or browse to the area. It is looking for an MSI type package with the name of SRSDataConnector (It will not let me change the extension type it is looking for.)
I cannot find this file it is looking for on the server. There is a srsdataconnector file but it is an exe type file that the uninstall will not accept. These are the things i have tried:-
1) Downloaded Rollup4 agains, re-installed rollup4 then uninstalling - same issue
2) Tried to run the srsdataconnector.exe and then try uninstalling but I received an error msg below
09:26:50| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 10/01/2019 9:26:50 AM ===
09:26:50| Info| Bootstrap version:
09:26:50| Info| User: jhassell.
09:26:50| Error| MsiOpenPackage failed while trying to read property ProductLanguage
09:26:50| Error| MsiOpenPackage(C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions\SrsDataConnector.msi) failed.(error = 2) (msiutility.cpp:CMsiUtility::GetProductProperty:264).
3) Did a full search for this msi on the server - can't find it
Can someone help me?
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