We ran the inventory closing four days ago on the test environment and it has not finished yet, and I want to make sure that it works without any problem. How can I be sure that it is working and that there are no problems?
In case you started the closing job before the start date and time of the Batch instance, then the task is stopped. You can check the tables InventSettlement and InventCostList if records are present and increasing or not. They both have a relationship with the closing job on the fields voucher and (closing) date.
I checked the form and found it as below, but how do I know it is still working? It's working until this is day six.
I want to access a table and make sure that the rows are incrementing. Do you know the name of the table that I can check?
On the form Online users, you can switch to the tab Server instances and check the startup times. 4 days for the closing is insane or it should have millions of unclosed transactions queued for a longer time.
Can you also tell if there was an interruption of the service? If so, the batch might still show Executing, but it might be stopped due to e.g. a restart or deploying customizations.
Did you start the closing via the batch framework in the background or directly on the client? Do you know if there might have been an interruption while the job was running?
If you go to the inventory closing and adjustment form, what is the current status of the actual job?
Can you please check if the iteration or the list is changing
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