we used CRM 2011 where it was possible create new entity via 'new' button in lookup field. It opened new form where it pre-populated data from related entity for the lookup and from parent entity.
So I have entity Quote where type is 1084. This Quote entity contains lookup field 'Flash' where entity type for Flash entity is 10149. This flash field is filtered by related Customer (entity type is 1 for customer) on Quote
And if I click on create new Flash Record from lookup flash field, then it open new form for entity Flash and there is pre-populated information about Customer, because in url is CreateFromType = 1 (customer)
Example or link which contains CreateFromId and CreateFromType = 1
But in CRM 2016 the behaviour is different
for same scenario as above in parameter CreateFromType is 1084, so entity Quote, which is parent. I would like to have same behavior as in CRM 2011, so I want to have parameter CreateFromType = 1, so link to related entity from the lookup field and not parent entity.
Can anybody help me ?