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Can't input/import worker personal contact detail

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Is there any explanation why worker personal contact with relationship type such as "Mother", "Father", "Spouse", etc. can't be states as dependance on dynamics 365 FnO HR module? i'm facing issue while I'm importing the data. I cannot fill the personal detail such birthdate, gender, etc. if the relationship type are as I mention above. I already try with excel workbook and DMF. Any suggestions? Thank you!

  • Kenny Dewanto Profile Picture
    Kenny Dewanto 29 on at
    RE: Can't input/import worker personal contact detail

    Hi Charlotte,

    it's not custom, I just add new relationship type on "Relationship Type" master data.


    Thank you for the response.

  • Charlotte X Profile Picture
    Charlotte X on at
    RE: Can't input/import worker personal contact detail

    Is this relationship "Mother" your custom option? I don't see it in the list of relationships that come with the system.

    I tried every relationship in the system, and they all could be populated with information as Dependent.



  • Kenny Dewanto Profile Picture
    Kenny Dewanto 29 on at
    RE: Can't input/import worker personal contact detail

    Hi Charlotte,

    yes, some relationship type can be choosen, but some are not.

    I need the explanation why and how to make all relationship type can choose the dependent.

    but anyway, thank you for the response.



  • Suggested answer
    Charlotte X Profile Picture
    Charlotte X on at
    RE: Can't input/import worker personal contact detail

    Hi Kenny,

    In my environment, "parent" and "spouse" can be states as dependance I have not made other modifications in this environment.

    After you select a relationship, please try to re-slide the Dependents button.



  • Parag Chapre Profile Picture
    Parag Chapre 12,248 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Can't input/import worker personal contact detail

    Let me check and I will get back to you.

  • Kenny Dewanto Profile Picture
    Kenny Dewanto 29 on at
    RE: Can't input/import worker personal contact detail

    Hi Parag,

    I'm using PersonalContactPerson Entity (Worker Personal Contact Person).

    The purpose of this action, I want to fill the circled area. but it can't be done while the relationship is "Mother".


    It's different when the relationship filled with "child", it's not greyed.



    I found the work around for this case, I can fill the circle area, while the relationship is child, then I change it back to mother. But it takes time to change it manually.

    So I tried to edit with excel workbook, but when its published, nothing happened with the data although the status said it's successfully published.

    Then I try to change the dependant field to "Yes", and this error appear.


    is there any workaround?

  • Parag Chapre Profile Picture
    Parag Chapre 12,248 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Can't input/import worker personal contact detail

    Hi Kenny,

    What entity are using to import the data and can you please share what error you are getting?

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