I have a table with 29 records, this table has a filed called PostalAddress(RecId) which has a relation with logisticsPostalAddress.Location
As you can see sometimes the field is filled and sometimes not.
Total # of records is 29 (only 4 records has postal address filled)
However, when I made logisticsPostalAddress outer join with logisticsPostalAddress, it started return 29 records.
my question is, we all know that outer join in entity is a left join, so why when i made inner join with logsiticsLocation it started returning only 4 records and not 29? I'm assuming the outer join with logistics postal address returns anything in the main table the doesn't have an address. And since logsiticsLocation relation is with LogisticsPostalAddres, why did the inner join return 4 records instead of 29?