I upgraded this BC version from 14 to 19, but when I try to upgrade it from 19 to 22 I end up with an error due to the license. The only difference is that now the license is a bclicense instead of a flf. I'm trying all the lines that I see and none of them are working.
I used
Import -NAVServerLicense 'ServerInstance' -LicenseData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path /C://Licenses//license.bclicense/ -Encoding Byte))
Import -NAVServerLicense -ServerInstance 'ServerInstance' -LicenseFile /C://Licenses//license.bclicense/
Obviously I changed The serverInstance and the path to my server instance and the path where the license is located, but still I get the same error. The error is
Import-NAVServerLicense : An error ocurred while reading the license file. Verify the license file is in the correct BCLicense file format and try again. Error Code: Unknown error.
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