Hello Andrii,
Thanks for your interest, and sorry for the late answer.
I have found one more error on the Account entity:
On All the forms I have xrmservicetookit.js script, which I believe is causing the errors.
There is the part of code from that script:
var selectNodes = function (node, xPathExpression) {
if (typeof (node.selectNodes) != "undefined") {
return node.selectNodes(xPathExpression);
else {
var output = [];
var xPathResults = node.evaluate(xPathExpression, node, nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var result = xPathResults.iterateNext();
while (result) {
result = xPathResults.iterateNext();
return output;
var selectSingleNode = function (node, xpathExpr) {
if (typeof (node.selectSingleNode) != "undefined") {
return node.selectSingleNode(xpathExpr);
else {
var xpe = new XPathEvaluator();
var results = xpe.evaluate(xpathExpr, node, nsResolver, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
return results.singleNodeValue;
Which contains "selectNodes" and "XPathEvaluator".
Once again, i have these problems only on tablet, everything works fine on the desktop.
Is there any way to change this? Some other version of xrmservicetookit.js, or some changes in the code?