Error Information | Select | Staging to target status | Item number |
Results. It is not allowed to set warehouse management information for items that do not use warehouse management processes. Results. Update has been canceled. | No | Error | P000006439 |
Results. A negative price or cost has been detected which is not allowed. This can be caused by entering a negative values for either of these fields (Price, Price quantity, Charges quantity) please correct the entered value so it is positive or zero. Results. validateWrite failed on data source 'InventTableModulePurch (InventTableModule)' | No | Error | P000045778 |
No Errors | No | Not started | P000000100 |
No Errors | No | Not started | P000000102 |
No Errors | No | Not started | P000000108 |
No Errors | No | Not started | P000000121 |
No Errors | No | Not started | P000000124 |
No Errors | No | Not started | P000000127 |
No Errors | No | Not started | P000000146 |