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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

error when accessing the dynamics sl 2015cu2

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

hello, my question is this: I try to update the database from SL7 to SL2015cu2, when I access the application pointing to this database it generates the following errors
Signature with problems:
  Name of the problem event: CLR20r3
  Signing of problem 01: MSDynamicsSL.exe
  Signature of the problem 02: 10.1.21108.0
  Signature of the problem 03: 5be4c24e
  Signature of problem 04: mscorlib
  Signature of the problem 05: 4.0.30319.34014
  Signature of the problem 06: 52e0b679
  Signature of problem 07: 61d0
  Signature of problem 08: 2a
  Signature of problem 09: UDTA330IDOBH2ROZ2AYVLCELAG5AGTLS
  Operating system version: 6.3.9600.
  Locale ID: 1033
  Additional information 1: 5861
  Additional information 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
  Additional information 3: a10f
  Additional information 4: a10ff7d2bb2516fdc753f9c34fc3b069

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Signature with problems:
  Name of the problem event: APPCRASH
  Application name: MSDynamicsSL.exe
  Application version: 10.1.21108.0
  Application timestamp: 5be4c24e
  Module name with errors: KERNELBASE.dll
  Module version with errors: 6.3.9600.17415
  Module time stamp with errors: 54504ade
  Exception code: c000041d
  Exception shift: 00014598
  Operating system version: 6.3.9600.
  Locale ID: 1033
  Additional information 1: aa32
  Additional information 2: aa3226333d9bb765a7f5ab9d28b73b4c
  Additional information 3: f932
  Additional information 4: f932a10deea5472eb8d754cb84732202

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  C: \ Windows \ system32 \ en-US \ erofflps.txt

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  • Suggested answer
    CFROTON Profile Picture
    CFROTON 4,710 on at
    RE: error when accessing the dynamics sl 2015cu2

    Good day -

    Thank you for posting your question to the Dynamics SL forum. reading your post, I suspect you are experiencing an issue with a corrupt or bad install.

    Your title and notes explain that you upgraded from SL7 to SL2015cu2, but in the error the message is referencing  Application name: MSDynamicsSL.exe  Application version: 10.1.21108.0... this is SL 2018 CU1. 

    If your SL client was installed with SL 2015 CU2, and when upgrading only the server files were updated to SL 2018 CU1, you need to uninstall and re-install the SL 2018 client workstation install for SL to work correctly.

    I hope this helps.

    MSDSL Technical Support

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