I have a Customer card with an embedded ListPart page of events the customer attended.
These events have several editable boolean fields. (Checkboxes on the ListPart page)
For one of these fields I have the total of where it is true displayed in the Customer card through an integer field with FieldClass = Flowfield and a Calcformula = Count = (....)
This works nicely, but when I check or uncheck one of the boxes on the ListPart page, the field on the customer card is not updated, when I close the card and open it up again, the field is updated.
Is this in any way possible to have this happen on the fly?
What I have already tried and doesn't work:
UpdatePropagation : this not a valid poperty on a page with Pagetype = Card;
force a CalcField with the Onvalidate triiger as follows:
trigger OnValidate() var customer: Record Customer; begin customer.get(Rec.CustomerId); customer.CalcFields(BoolFieldName); // With or without the CurrPage.Update(); end;
Thanks in advance.