Have been struggling with the following problem.
In a list page view (e.g. Production orders list page) - after pressing <CTRL-F3> and adding a related (e.g. N:1) to ProdTable new data source and further use the new table source in the range lines:
and pressing OK - the new condition (range) would not be applied. In these (faulty) cases - when reopening again the advanced filter with <ctrl-F3>, it could be seen that both: the Query used and the Previously Used Query - do not contain any more the newly added table-source and condition line. I had succeeded to apply the filter by accident some time ago (and even was able to save it), but in 99% of the successive attempts I was unable to do it any more. I fail to see any logic of when the filtering works and when not. The important note here is that this problem appears when new table source is added.
On debugging - it could be seen that under the "Previously Used Query" - the saved query has the correct number of DataSources (in this case 4), but the execution does not take the new one into account and the stored in the "Previously Used Query" query does not contain any more the new data source.
Has any of you experienced this - or do you have any idea what might be the cause?
Thank you!
Nikolay Nikolov