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Requisition worksheet flexibility

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Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding the Planning flexibility function, available in Purchase Orders, that impacts the Requisition worksheet calculation. Is there a way to tell BC that it can not suggest changing Purchase order's quantity? I would like to know if there is a way to block only the Change quantity action in the planning and requisition worksheet, but to steel have the possibility to Reschedule and Cancel orders. 

Also, I have items that are both procured and produced. Is there a way for the requisition worksheet to consider in its calculation both prod order and purchase order? As I understand, it only considers purchase orders. Is there a function that I can activate that would consider both kinds of replenishment?

Thank you for your help, 
  • Suggested answer
    Ben Baxter Profile Picture
    Ben Baxter 5,058 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Requisition worksheet flexibility
    Regarding Planning Flexibility, it is currently all or none.  I like your suggestion of having the option to make it quantity and/or date adjustment restriction only.  This should be suggested to Microsoft's online suggestion board, and maybe already has been.
    Regarding the Req. Worksheet, it only considers one or the other, not both.  Think of the Item setup as the default rule, either Purchase or Produce.  You could still setup the Item with what would be required (BOM and Route) to produce it, but leave the Replenishment Policy set to Purchase.  This way the planner could switch the suggestion over to Prod. Order and the system would have the necessary requirements to build the order.  This is what is commonly referred to as the manage by exception rule, where you define the normal process but have the option to manual process an exception as needed.
    Hope this is helpful,
    Ben Baxter
    Accent Software Inc

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