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Production order routing start date Issue

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Hello Everyone,
I have a production order with 2 lines of routing operation. Operation 1 is a machine center and the run time of it is 2 hours. Now, I am changing the run time from 2 to 8 hours. But, simultaneously, the starting date is changed to 8 days previous to the current starting date. It is a backward scheduling so, I understand the start date is going backward. But, my question is, why it moved to 8 days backward. Because, the unit of measure for the runtime of the machine center is in Hours. So, if I change from 2 to 8 it should be scheduled on the same day or one day before. But, I am not understood why it went 8 days backward. Can anyone help me here to understand this concept?
  • Production order routing start date Issue
    Thanks for your response Ben,
    I created all the labors as machine center. labor direct cost is 10 and overhead cost percent is 100. So the unit cost is 20. I am currently following these steps to track the labor hours.
    1. Create production order for 1 qty. Create a routing were labor is worked for 1 hour
    2. Line >> Routing >> Enter operation number 100, select machine center and enter the run time as their actual labor worked hours
    3. Line >> Production journal >> enter again the same run rime in the output entry and post the production journal 
    4. Order >> statistics. This will show expected capacity cost is 10, actual capacity cost is 10 and Expected capacity overhead cost is 10 , actual capacity overhead cost is 10. 
    5. This makes sense if the qty is 1 as you said.
    Assume the qty is 2, actually the labor is worked for 1 hour but if I put that in the step 2 all the cost in the step 4 will get doubled.
    So, I am looking for way to enter the actual labor and overhead cost hours regardless of qty. I tried with setup time  instead of run time but, it is not capturing the overhead cost. So could you please suggest me if there is better way to achieve this?
  • Suggested answer
    Ben Baxter Profile Picture
    Ben Baxter 5,027 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Production order routing start date Issue
    Glad that resolved your issue.  If you would please mark the response as a verified answer as it will help other forum Users find the solution quickly.

    For your new question, the Routing is used to determine the Standard Cost.  This is usually where a Work Center is defined to say what group will work a particular operation.  If only a specific person or machine can complete an operation, then using the Machine Center on the Routing is preferred.
    The Actuals will be calculated based on what is posted during the production process.  Regardless of what is defined on your Routing, you can post the Machine Center (labor) cost against the Operation to record who worked, for how long, and what their output was.  The system will then let you know of any variance between the Standard and the actuals on the particular Production Order.
    Hope this helps!
    Best Regards,
    Ben Baxter
    Accent Software Inc
  • Production order routing start date Issue
    Thanks for all your responses.
    As @Ben said my production qty is 8 that is why it is taking 8 days. It is a great finding, thanks @Ben.
    Now, my another challenge is I want to enter machine center as employee and I need to track their working hours. how to achieve this? As @Ben said I tried with Setup time instead of Run time but, setup time doesn't calculate the overhead cost and direct cost when posting. So, how do I enter multiple labor and their working time?
  • Verified answer
    Ben Baxter Profile Picture
    Ben Baxter 5,027 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Production order routing start date Issue
    What is the Quantity of your Production Order line?  Run Time is not a fixed time, it is a variable load based on Run Time X Quantity.
    If your Quantity is 1, then it is fixed, but anything over 1 becomes variable.  For example, if the Quantity is 10, at a Run Time of 2 Hours the Load is 20 Hours, and if I change it to 8 hours the Load becomes 80 Hours.
    If you want to add a fixed amount of time to your Prod. Order you should adjust your Setup Time, which is fixed.
    Best Regards,
    Ben Baxter
    Accent Software Inc
  • Suggested answer
    tryborg Profile Picture
    tryborg 14 on at
    Production order routing start date Issue
    It sounds you haven't calculated the calendar entries, so you only have 1 hour available pr. day.
    Best Regards
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,802 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Production order routing start date Issue
    I'm not sure if it's a problem with the calendar settings?
  • Production order routing start date Issue
    Hi Gdrenteria,
    I have gone through the links but, couldn't find why the starting date is moved to 8 days backward when I change the run time from 2 to 8 in production order routing entry.
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 13,011 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Production order routing start date Issue

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