we are facing issue while Acquiring Asset through PO
as we have to maintain 2 Depreciation profiles (SLM-Co's Act, WDV-Income Tax ACT),so we created 2 Value Models Mapped with 2 different Depreciation Profiles (For eg. IT Value Model=WDV15% Dep Profile, CO. Value Model=SLM Dep.Profile) and mapped the Value Models With the Asset Group.
When i Post the Vendor Invoice and do the impact analysis by Exploring the FA created through PO and Acquisition entry recorded for the same after Vendor invoice: It is observed that
Path:-FA Module->Common Work Area->Fixed Assets->Filter Fixed Assets->Edit/Enter on the highlighted Assets->in Action Area->Value Model Button->On the Value Model List Page.
-We found 2 Lines for the 2 Different Value Models and the Status of the Value Model Line is for the 1st Line Open and we May found entries in the Transaction Tab in the Action Area of the Page, and For 2nd Value Model Line Status is "Not Yet Acquired".
Now the question is how can we Post the Acquisition Cost through PO Vendor Invoice for Asset in Both the Value Module.
-Version Ax 2012 r3-Indian Localization
- 2 Value Model with 2 Depreciation Profile, Posting Layer-Current for both Value Model and Depreciation Profile..
Sir requesting you all to please guide us on this.