In table Customer (18) i have flowfield (traite à l'escompte) based on table Payment Line (10866) with this calcformula :
<< Sum("Payment Line"."Amount (LCY)" WHERE (Account Type=FILTER(Customer),Account No.=FIELD(No.),Payment class="FILTER"(ENC-EFF),Copied To No.=FILTER(''),Status No.=FILTER(50000|70000)))>>
i want to add a new filter on the field Due Date (Date d'echéance) in this Flowfield with the value ">work date (or Today)" ,
like this : " field: DueDate ;Type: Filter ; Value : >workdate "
When i do it and i want open a customer card an error message appear : the value 280716D can not be evaluated by date type.
Can any one help me and Think you
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